Award-Winning Online MASTER'S Programs

 For a fraction of the Cost 

Best Value in Education Anywhere
What does it mean when we say that FHSU is the best value in education anywhere? It means you save money compared to pretty much every college. 
Our online tuition is only $319.45/per credit hour and $374.50 per credit hour for our online MBA.* That is nearly half the cost of most universities in the U.S. Our online students also have the opportunity to receive scholarships to help offset some of the costs of their education.
Award-Winning Programs
FHSU offers 85 career-focused, online graduate programs. Our supportive faculty understand that you have a mission to take your career to the next level, so they design their courses to help their students address real-world challenges. You will acquire the in-demand skills employers are looking for while earning a degree that will set you apart from other applicants. 

*MBA, DNP, MS Counseling graduate program tuition rates differ.